Mastering Job Interview #2

Navigate Every Interview with Confidence: Insider Strategies, Expert Advice, and Proven Tips for Career Triumph!

Mon Oct 2, 2023

How to categorize your candidature profile? Four types that define you

"Interviews unfold in four acts: General, Technical, Behavioral, and Cultural Fit—each question a brushstroke, painting the canvas of your career potential."

General Questions

Behavioral Questions

Technical/Job-Specific Questions

Cultural Fit Questions

Interviews are a mosaic of questions, each piece revealing a different facet of your professional canvas. From the broad strokes of general inquiries to the intricate details of technical expertise, the brushstrokes of behavioral insights, and the harmony of cultural fit questions, every answer paints a portrait of your potential. 

Mastering these diverse types of questions isn't just about securing a job; it's about crafting a masterpiece that aligns your skills, experiences, and personality with the canvas of your dream career.

General Questions

Purpose: These questions serve as icebreakers and aim to get a broad understanding of the candidate's background, qualifications, and overall fit for the role. Before your capabilities are discovered, it is very important to open you up, so that you may express your views in candidly. 

Examples: Few examples may help. 

"Tell me about yourself?" 

"Why do you want to work for this company?" 

These questions help the interviewer gauge your communication skills, motivation, and also initial idea on cultural alignment. 

Technical/Job-Specific Questions

Purpose: These questions assess the candidate's knowledge, skills, and expertise directly related to the job requirements. They help evaluate the candidate's ability to perform the tasks essential for the role. Here in these types of questions you present your skill in tacking the daily work. 


"Can you walk me through your resume?" 

"What technical skills do you possess?" 

These questions aim to understand the candidate's technical proficiency and how it aligns with the job. These basic questions detail how you communicate in your daily work and life. Here the interviewer is also trying to what you already know that they are looking for.

Behavioral Questions

Purpose: These questions explore how a candidate has behaved in specific situations in the past, providing insights into their soft skills, problem-solving abilities, and interpersonal skills. 


"Describe a situation where you had to overcome a challenge?" 

"Tell me about a time you worked in a team." 

Behavioral questions help predict future behavior based on past experiences. 

Cultural Fit Questions

Purpose: These questions assess how well a candidate's values, work style, and personality align with the company's culture. Cultural fit is crucial for long-term job satisfaction and productivity. 

Usually, these questions come after you have successfully passed the earlier set of questions. Remember, the adage, first your functionality and then how good you fit in the culture. 

It is generally believed that when you organizations, rather mature organizations can shape a candidate’s cultural fit to a great extent by offering a supportive work culture. This is only possible when the foundations of skills are there with you. 


"How do you handle stress and pressure?" 

"Describe your ideal work environment." 

Cultural fit questions aim to ensure that the candidate will thrive within the company's work environment. 

By categorizing questions in this way, interviewers can ensure a comprehensive evaluation of candidates. 

So in summary, you may well understand that 1] general questions set the stage, 2] technical questions assess job-related skills, 3] behavioral questions delve into past experiences, and 4] cultural fit questions gauge alignment with the company's values and environment. 

This approach helps interviewers cover a wide spectrum of factors contributing to a candidate's overall suitability for a role. After all, the interviewer is trying to evaluate the win win situation. If you fit well, you strive for excellence, and the company thrives.

As an avid learner, let us know how would you like to categorize the probable questions? Can you remember some of the interviews that you appeared in, that gave you an insight into the interviewer's thought process? Let us know.

Maharshi Samanta

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